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Your Messages Below
Thank you for your messages. These are greatly appreciated at this time. We will collate and then post these on the website periodically. It may take a day or a little longer for your message to appear on the messages thread below.
Tributes and reflections from family, friends and colleagues are presented in the separate "Tributes" area.
Date: 26 May 2020 at 00:02:00 BST
Name: Fr. Joseph Chandrakanthan
Name: Fr. Joseph Chandrakanthan
Message: For over twenty-five years I have known Ivan as a very caring friend and a devout Catholic lay leader. His was one powerful and vibrant voice that could be heard in in every platform where Eelam Tamils gathered together in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe to seek justice and peace, freedom and equality.
Ivan undoubtedly was a highly respected community leader and a steadfast Tamil nationalist with a deep love for his motherland. As an articulate speaker with a great command of the English language Ivan spoke and wrote voicing the concerns of the marginalized and oppressed Tamils of Ceylon.
His beloved wife Indra was always by his side supporting him and encouraging him in all his endeavours especially in all the community activities where Ivan played a key role of leadership.
The Tamil community in the United Kingdom and in the world at large has lost a very convincing and powerful voice in the person of Ivan Pedropillai who worked with many Human Rights advocacy groups across the world. Generations to come will remember Ivan for his undaunted commitment to the values of freedom, justice and equality for all human beings irrespective of one’s colour, religion, ethnicity or national identity.
Date: 22 May 2020 at 11:55:25 BST
Name: Meera Kumarathasan
Name: Meera Kumarathasan
Message: Dear Corinne & Ajith & family, please accept out deepest sympathies. It must be really hard to face this so soon after losing Indra acca. Meera , Kumar & family
Date: 22 May 2020 at 07:14:54 BST
Name: Fr T.E.T.Rajan
Name: Fr T.E.T.Rajan
Message: Please see 'You were an inspiration and live on in our hearts' in the Tributes section
Date: 22 May 2020 at 01:02:35 BST
Name: Rasa and Joyce Swampillai
Name: Rasa and Joyce Swampillai
Message: Dear Ajith and Corinne. We are greatly saddened by the passing of very dear Ivan. His demise is a great loss for you both, your families and Ivan’s wider family and friends. It is also a great loss to the Tamil community at large, the Tamil Catholics of Greater London and his Cheam Parish. He fought valiantly for these and many other good and deserving causes. We thank the Lord for blessing dear Ivan with abundant moral courage and astute intellectual prowess to fight these battles so ably.
We were privileged to be counted as good friends of your parents and losing them both within such a short time is indeed a severe blow for us too. We wish to convey our deepest sympathy to you both and your families and pray to the good Lord to bless you all and grant you peace of mind. A Mass was offered for your dear Dad on Wed 6 May by Fr John Warrington, Acting Chaplain here. Although we are not able to attend your dear Dad’s funeral in person, we will be with you all there in spirit.
With kind regards
Rasa and Joyce
Rasa and Joyce
Date: 21 May 2020 at 22:11:11 BST
Name: Emil Mahendra Kumar
Message: Dear Ajith and Corinne. Please accept our condolences and prayers on the passing of your loving father whom we fondly call Ivan.
We have known Ivan for over three decades through our dealings directly as well as through family connections. We were also very privileged to have enjoyed his hospitality and that of Indira, his dear wife who remained a pillar for him throughout his life.
Ivan's faith and his commitment to Catholic faith and his charitable contributions to initiatives were a real gift to the community. His active involvement for the advancement of the Tamil cause established himself as a fearless campaigner. We all witnessed his courage in expressing his views, his sense of humour and openness with his beliefs and convictions.
Sybilla and I were privileged to have visited him in the hospital in the last few months and we admired his serene, smiling face and his fighting spirit. He was combating his illness with his usual tenacity and sense of humour.
Sybilla, Jesse & Zuli, Arjun join me in prayer and may God grant him eternal rest.
Emil Kumar
Emil Kumar
Date: 21 May 2020 at 18:10:45 BST
Name: Domingupillai Aloysius
Name: Domingupillai Aloysius
Message: Our deepest sympathies on irreparable loss
Ivan will be remembered in our prayers may his soul rest in peace
Ivan will be remembered in our prayers may his soul rest in peace
Aloysius family
Date: 18 May 2020 at 09:47:19 BST
Name: Rex ,Florence,& Shane
Name: Rex ,Florence,& Shane
Message: Your father will be terribly missed. He was loved by all and he will be cherished in our memories forever.
Our condolences.
Our condolences.
Date: 12 May 2020 at 07:15:28 BST
Name: Rajasingham Jayadevan
Name: Rajasingham Jayadevan
Message: An heartfelt farewell to Ivan and Indra Pedropillai (Edited extracts from Sri Lanka Guardian)
We are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of our well-respected, well-liked, highly-valued and a very-principled colleague, Ivan Pedropillai, who passed away on 28 April. When I informed Mr Barry Gardiner MP of this loss, he said: ‘This in indeed a great sadness. He was a lovely man’.
Ivan was an integral part of the politically active expatriate Tamil community. He was kind, extremely talented, witty, and set an example for the retiring fellow community members to step out of the four walls of retirement life to be socially and politically mobile.
I befriended him in the outset of 1996, when I was serving as the Co-ordinator of the Tamil Refugee Action Group (TRAG). The first engagement with him was my involvement in the publication of Hotspring magazine and in that Ivan played an interactive role with the editor Late S Sivanayagam.
Our involvement deepened in the political campaign front. In that, I was accompanied by Ivan to meet the Shadow Foreign Minister for South Asia Late Derek Fatchett. The meeting was facilitated and attended by Mr Barry Gardiner when he was campaigning to become an MP in the 1997 General Election. The hour long meeting was so interactive that substantial issues affecting Sri Lanka and the Tamils were discussed. Ivan’s contribution at the meeting was immense as he commanded the discussion very professionally.
Following that meeting, Ivan introduced a wealth of his friends to team work. In addition to my own election campaign work with my local friends for the election of Mr Barry Gardiner, Ivan overwhelmingly threw his hat into the ring that gave the much needed vigour and momentum for the campaign work. Ivan’s campaign work even occasionally transformed him to a foot soldier despite his medical conditions. He drafted in many of his prominent friends to make Barry’s victory an outstanding one.
Being a Catholic, he was so liberal minded that he respected the other religions. His involvement with Fr Jegath Gaspar to produce the Thiruvasagam in Symphony speaks volumes of his liberal way of life. The Hindu temple Eelapatheeswarar Aalayam I founded and represent made significant financial contribution for the project. Ivan has played an important role to raise the funds needed for the project.
Ivan also contributed to the Tamil Guardian I founded and overwhelmingly supported the broadsheet that was reaching all corners of the political spectrum.
Though belated, I also wish to express my profound tribute to Ivan’s wife Indra who passed away peacefully on 22nd January 2020. The idiom: ‘behind every great and successful man there stands a woman’ and Ivan was blessed with his warm-hearted wife in his perseverance of his forward march. I would have visited Ivan at least five times at his residence. Indra was always welcoming, would engage very passionately and we would have meaningful discussions.
She excelled in the Tamil tradition of hospitality, entertaining guests with the noble ‘Virunthombal’. Her gesture was so heartily that we could not simply get away saying no to offer of food. When Indra picks up the phone,I always called her 'aunty' and her husband 'Ivan’. She once jovially asked: ‘Jayadevan why are you calling me aunty and him Ivan and do you think Ivan is a young person’. I had to justify by saying: ‘Aunty, I consider him my buddy to call him with his first name’.
A man with dreams needs a woman with vision and aunty Indra fittingly provided it to Ivan. Let:
'Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace’.
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace’.
They will be remembered and their voices will be echoing in my ears forever.
Date: 11 May 2020 at 18:58:59 BST
Name: Eugene Joseph
Message: Dear Ajith and Corrine. Please accept my deepest sympathies on the passing of your dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both and your families during these difficult times.
I first met your dad when I was a schoolboy in Jaffna, probably in the late 60’s or early 70’s. He was one those people who you would always remember for the rest of your life even if you would never meet him again. He was genuinely welcoming and friendly the very first time you met him, kind and helpful.
The time I met him in Jaffna, the Chinese Table Tennis Team was playing an exhibition match and tickets were sold out. I was looking for a ticket, your dad heard about it from your Uncle, and immediately volunteered to part with one ticket even though I did not ask for it. Such was his spontaneous kindness and generosity towards someone he had just met. Subsequently when I was visiting the UK and met him at a few gatherings, he always made it a point to come up and talk, and showed genuine interest in what I was doing. He always made sure to introduce me to others so that I would feel at home.
Your dad was kind, friendly and a thorough gentleman. May his soul Rest in Peace
Eugene Joseph
Eugene Joseph
Date: 11 May 2020 at 10:36:46 BST
Name: Ruban & Oosha
Message: Dear Ajith, Corinne & family. We are very saddened by the loss of Uncle Ivan . We will miss his welcoming smile and witty jokes whenever we met him. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. May his soul rest in peace.
Date: 7 May 2020 at 09:29:03 BST
Name: Dr. Frank Sebastianpillai
Name: Dr. Frank Sebastianpillai
Message: Deepest sympathies to Ivan's family. I knew him from school days at St.Joseph's College, Colombo and subsequently in the U.K
Date: 5 May 2020 at 11:30
Name: Fleur Perera
Name: Fleur Perera
Message: Dearest Ajith, Corinne and families. A very great sadness came over us on hearing of Ivan’s death not long after hearing of Indra’s passing away as well.
The Zambian friendship is one we can never forget, joy in remembering and one we have held dear for nearly 50 years. Although time and distance have separated us over the years with an occasional card at Christmas or so, we remember with laughter and gratitude the tremendous welcome and generosity we received in our move to Chavuma Court from both Rama and Shanti Ramachandran and your family.
I think you were only about 8 years, Ajith, and Corinne, you were Samantha’s age (Gihan and Sam 6 & 5 respectively), Ayomi was Natasha’s (Rama’s daughter) age 3 or so and I was pregnant with Lalith.
Indra insisted I rested a while before going to hospital, when I realised Lalith’s birth was imminent. She “ordered” me to your flat, had me take a hot-water shower, prepared lunch for the whole jing-bang Perera family and took charge of the children while Uncle Osmund drove me off to the hospital! I knew everything was safe while all my family were in the safe hands of the Pedropillais.
Oh the memories! I shall write a longer letter sometime with the stories I have to tell – including the one of you, Ajith, blacking your face to look like a Zambian and terrified when you couldn’t get it all off. Corinne, my chief concern was that you had two fingers stuck in your mouth each time you had to sleep (when we did some baby-sitting if Ivan and Indra had to go out – not often) and I tried to rid you of the habit, carefully easing your fingers out: with absolutely no success; before I had left the room, without your waking, the fingers were back!
Then we left for Chamba Valley and the Chavuma Court friends would come over to that lovely, open area on weekends. We didn’t have phones, so we eagerly waited for friends from Lusaka with whom to chat, relax, eat and drink and watch all the children as they ran around that vast estate. What days!
God bless you all and comfort you in this sad time. We are truly with you in the loss of two good friends.
All our love
Aunty Fleur and Uncle Osmund
Aunty Fleur and Uncle Osmund
Date: 5 May 2020 at 11:27
Name: Osmund Perera
Name: Osmund Perera
Message: Dear Ajith. Thank you for your recent emails giving the sad news of your Dad’s passing away. Corinne to whom I had written enquiring of his health had also replied at the same time.
We were very saddened to learn of Dad’s passing and extend to you and the family our deepest sympathies on your bereavement.
We have the nicest memories of your family from the time in Zambia and will always remember the gift of your parents’ friendship, and their many endearing qualities, among others, a happy disposition, warm and generous hospitality and unvarying kindness. Your parents were two very nice people. We will remember them with much affection.
May the strength of your faith, the support of family and friends and your own memories of your parents help comfort you at this time of sadness.
Love and God bless.
Uncle Osmund
Uncle Osmund
Date: 5 May 2020 at 11:10
Name: John and Sue Guy
Message: Very sad news; we have fond memories of Ivan. Heartfelt condolences from John, Sue, Alicia and Oliver.
Name: John and Sue Guy
Message: Very sad news; we have fond memories of Ivan. Heartfelt condolences from John, Sue, Alicia and Oliver.
Date: 3 May 2020 at 14:46
Name: Noeline Simon
Name: Noeline Simon
Message: Ajith and Corinne. It’s hard to put into any type of words of comfort what you two must be going through. Losing two of the most closest people so close together is bad enough, but in the midst of all this turmoil and uncertainty, certainly must add to the burden and grief.
Given dad’s varied interests and acquaintances, it's sad the arrangements cannot accommodate a full farewell as he would have wanted. There are many who have called in the last couple of days to remember him and the conversations that they had enjoyed with him in the past. He was always a good person to enliven discussions and elaborate his views, on very many topics.
Dad was very close to his grandsons as I am sure he was to them. It must be hard for them to comprehend and accept. Give them a big hug from all of us here in Toronto.
When all this pandemic and social distancing is a thing of the past, I am thinking a joint remembrance of both Mom and Dad here in Toronto would be in order.
Take care, will call you soon.
Noeline Simon
Given dad’s varied interests and acquaintances, it's sad the arrangements cannot accommodate a full farewell as he would have wanted. There are many who have called in the last couple of days to remember him and the conversations that they had enjoyed with him in the past. He was always a good person to enliven discussions and elaborate his views, on very many topics.
Dad was very close to his grandsons as I am sure he was to them. It must be hard for them to comprehend and accept. Give them a big hug from all of us here in Toronto.
When all this pandemic and social distancing is a thing of the past, I am thinking a joint remembrance of both Mom and Dad here in Toronto would be in order.
Take care, will call you soon.
Noeline Simon
Date: 3 May 2020 at 10:48
Name: Chamain Manning
Name: Chamain Manning
Message: Dear Ajith, Corrine and families. I’m so sorry to hear of Uncle’s passing, I’m happy he did not suffer. This has been such a terribly hard year for you all and I hope you find the strength to cope. The children must be so confused and upset as to why all this has happened in such a short time, making it all the more difficult for you.
My sincerest condolences.
Date: 3 May 2020 at 07:21:55 BST
Name: Rita & S.B. David
Name: Rita & S.B. David
Message: Dear Ajith and Corinne, we are saddened to hear about the loss of your beloved father, and extend our deepest sympathies to you and your family. Ivan and Indra were an inseparable, affectionate couple lived as guardian and companion to each other, were admired by relatives and friends.
Ivan lived an exemplary life with admirable noble qualities as a devoted husband an affectionate father, loving grandfather and supportive father-in-law. He carried out all his responsibilities with much love and commitment. He brought up his children to revere God and instilled noble qualities in them. Ivan had a generous heart; helping the poor was his guiding principle.
A faithful friend in times of need, especially for those in monetary difficulties. Many were privileged to have moved with him closely and have enjoyed his love and wisdom. Ivan helped many Sri Lankans who migrated to London due to ethnic disturbances in 1983, and also financially helped many displaced orphans in Sri Lanka. A very popular and respected person among the elite and the poor.
He was a virtuous Catholic with a deep devotion to Blessed Mother Mary. With dynamic bravery he would spell out his conviction without fear of the Government even to the Religious Hierarchy for any injustice committed against innocent victims while his politics and policies appreciated.
Ivan having obtained many Professional Academic qualifications, held several lucrative Executive positions and achieved international awards and rose to the pinnacle of repute.
Like scripture says "as gentle as a dove and as wise as a serpent." While patient and calm he was firm in executing his decisions and dealings with authority.
Like scripture says "as gentle as a dove and as wise as a serpent." While patient and calm he was firm in executing his decisions and dealings with authority.
In his retirement he was an author and editor of the Tamil Writers Guild and an advocate for Sri Lankan Tamils in distress in London He dedicated his life to all those who sought his help and counsel. Ivan having fulfilled his obligation towards his family and relatives cherished his fruitful life and has entered into eternal glory. Ivan's legacy will live on through generations for all the great work he did for the Tamil community.
May the Lord of mercy and love receive him into the heavenly kingdom and grant him enteral bliss. "From the greatest to the smallest, we all return to our Creator. When HIS purpose is fulfilled we shall be called back to HIS fold."
" The wise man delights in the truth,
And follows the law of the awakened,
When he sees the good he has done,
For great is the harvest in this world,
And greater still in the next."
And follows the law of the awakened,
When he sees the good he has done,
For great is the harvest in this world,
And greater still in the next."
S.B.David & Rita,
Colombo 06.
Colombo 06.
Date: 2 May 2020 at 18:40:14 BST
Name: Hubert & Joyce Ferdinand
Name: Hubert & Joyce Ferdinand
Message: Please accept our heartfelt condolences. We met and became friends in London. Both Ivan and Indira are a well known and loved couple. Their presence always bring happiness and laughter and their beautiful smile is the most memorable.
We will pray for his soul and ask for God’s choicest blessing to enable him to enjoy eternal happiness in the kingdom of God with his wife Indra.
Date: 2 May 2020 at 18:38:09 BST
Name: Pani & Edel
Name: Pani & Edel
Message: Dear Ajith & Corinne. Our sincere and heartfelt sympathies to both of you and your families on the sad news of Dad’s death. Sad as it is for those left behind, for Dad it must be a merciful release both physically and emotionally – he must have missed Mum terribly – May he rest in peace.
We cannot begin to imagine how you can cope with the sorrow of losing both parents within such a short spell of time. May the good Lord give you strength to bear this cross. How do you explain all this to the grand-children they adored?
It is a pity, that in the present circumstances, Dad’s wide circle of friends and relatives will not have an opportunity to pay their last respects.
We will miss them both. With our love and prayers. God Bless
Uncle Pani & Aunty Edel
Uncle Pani & Aunty Edel
Date: 2 May 2020 at 17:03:22 BST
Name: Victor Sivagunam
Name: Victor Sivagunam
Message: Dear Children, Grandchildren, families and friends of Ivan. Please accept our heartfelt condolences and sympathies of the passing away of Ivan at this difficult time . I have known him since I joined the Committee of The Tamil Catholic Chaplaincy London when Rev Fr Rajan was the Chaplain. Although His passing away is an irreparable loss to the family and friends, he has lived a full life glorifying his and our God.
May He Rest in Glorious Peace
Victor Siva and family
Victor Siva and family
Date: 2 May 2020 at 11:38
Name: Julian
Name: Julian
Message: Dear Ajith and Corinne. Our deepest condolences on the news of your Dad's passing. Shameela and I are thinking of both of you and your families at this time and praying that your Dad is now in eternal peace with God.
Shameela, Rishi and family.
Shameela, Rishi and family.
Date: 2 May 2020 at 08:28:31 BST
Name: Nivan Yogaratnam
Name: Nivan Yogaratnam
Message: I heard the sad news of the passing of “Uncle” Ivan this week, please accept my deepest heartfelt condolences to his family.
I remember him as a respected, thought-provoking and inspirational leader, chairman of the “Tamil Writers Guild”. He will be greatly missed for his written word and wisdom.
Date: 1 May 2020 at 22:53:09 BST
Name: Rosalind Nicholas
Name: Rosalind Nicholas
Message: Condolences to the children and grandchildren of my cousin Ivan.
Date: 1 May 2020 at 15:13
Name: Jenny Joachim
Name: Jenny Joachim
Dear Ajith and Corinne. We are sorry to hear of your loss, our thoughts and prayers are with both you and your families at this difficult time. We remember your dad as a cheerful polite gentlemen, always ready to share his knowledge and opinions. His loss will be felt across the community.
May his soul rest in peace.
Kind Regards
Jenny, Augustus, Jonathan & Amelia (Chandiran Uncle’s niece family)
Jenny, Augustus, Jonathan & Amelia (Chandiran Uncle’s niece family)
Name: Chelva Manuelpillai
Dear Ajith, Corrine and families, please accept our heartfelt condolences. He will be very much missed by all those close to him. May his soul rest in peace.
Chelva and Mathie Manuelpillai.
Chelva and Mathie Manuelpillai.
Date: 30 April 2020 at 23:26
Name: Aunty Rajes
Name: Aunty Rajes
First of all please accept our sincere heartfelt condolences at the passing of your beloved Dad. Your Mum and Dad always had a special place in my heart and that place will always be there. Please convey my condolences to Marina, Edward and Harry.
The attached photos are from our albums and I used my mobile to photograph and insert the dates. Hope you are able to use them.
With much affection and prayers
Aunty Rajes, uncle Christy, Navasha and Anusha.

Date: 30 April 2020 at 18:41
Name: Jay Jayakumaran - TWG
Name: Jay Jayakumaran - TWG
Sorry to hear about uncle Ivan, please accept our heartfelt condolences . Our prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Date: 30 April 2020 at 16:09
Name: Anton Nadarajah
Message: Dear Ajith. Please accept our deepest sympathies as you, your sister Corrine and other family members mourn the loss of your father. I will always remember his compassionate, kind , humble and helpful nature. He truly was a great man. We will continue to pray for both your dad's and mum's souls.
Anton & Evangeline
Name: Anton Nadarajah
Message: Dear Ajith. Please accept our deepest sympathies as you, your sister Corrine and other family members mourn the loss of your father. I will always remember his compassionate, kind , humble and helpful nature. He truly was a great man. We will continue to pray for both your dad's and mum's souls.
Anton & Evangeline
Date: 30 April 2020 at 10:02
Name: Rafaela Simon
Name: Rafaela Simon
Our most sincere condolences for your loss.
Sam, Fela, Nila and Nayana Simon
Sam, Fela, Nila and Nayana Simon
Date: 30 April 2020 at 09:07
Name: Reggie Gnanaratnam
Message: It seems the current situation will mean uncle Ivan will not get deserved final farewell especially the church service with all his loved ones, friends, admirers and past and present colleagues in attendance.
I know you must be burning the midnight lamp to do the impossible and we can only pray to Merciful Jesus and mother Mary whom uncle Ivan kept so close to his heart to come to our aid. Once again, I extend our heartfelt condolences on behalf our family including mummy who has fond memories of uncle and aunty Indra.
May almighty God give you, your extended family and friends the courage and blessings to overcome the loss of your father and friend uncle Ivan. I could not visit uncle on the day of final farewell to aunty Indra and two family functions afterwards meant, the lock down came so quick to visit. My inability to visit in person afterwards will haunt me for a very long time. Finally, let us not bring our friendship to an end here, rather we should continue meet and nourish it further and also raise our voice for the voiceless in order to continue to keep uncle Ivan's true spirit. My love to you all.
Kind regards
Date: 30 April 2020 at 08:21
Name: Clarence Philipneri
Name: Clarence Philipneri
Message: Deepest condolences
Date: 30 April 2020 at 05:55
Name: Damian selvaratnam
Name: Damian selvaratnam
Message: Please accept our heartfelt condolences, May his soul Rest In Peace ✝️🙏🏼Pushpam, Sweenthini family & Damian family
From Colombo.
From Colombo.
Date: 30 April 2020 at 03:10
Name: Rajiv, Nilakshi, Joshua, Cameron & Ella Joseph
Name: Rajiv, Nilakshi, Joshua, Cameron & Ella Joseph
Message: Our most heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your Dad. We will forever remember Marma for his warm hearted personality and kind manner. We have fond memories of our time together and will miss him very much. Praying for all of you as you mourn Dad so soon after the loss of Aunta. May you find comfort that they are together again.
Our love and condolences to all of you.
Rajiv, Nilakshi, Joshua, Cameron & Ella
Rajiv, Nilakshi, Joshua, Cameron & Ella
Date: 29 April 2020 at 20:21
Name: Roshan
Name: Roshan
Message: Dear Ajith and Corrine, I am saddened at the loss of our dearest Ivan mama. I will never forget his kindness and generosity. May his soul Rest In Peace .
My condolences to you and the family.
Date: 29 April 2020 at 19:21
Name: Anton Alagaratnam
Message: Sorry to hear the sad news. Please accept our heartfelt condolences.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you all at this difficult moment.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you all at this difficult moment.
May his soul rest in peace.
With love
Uncle Niranjan and Premini
Uncle Niranjan and Premini
Date: 29 April 2020 at 17:39
Name: Shantini Tham 29 April 2020 at 17:39
Message: I was very sorry to hear from Reggie that Ivan sadly passed away yesterday morning at the nursing home. I can't even imagine what you'll are going through once again, having just lost your dear mother. I hope and pray that you will have the strength to cope during this very difficult time.
Ivan's legacy will live on through all the great work he did for the Tamil people. As you’ll know, he was a very good friend of my late father, CJT Thamotheram, and helped him by chairing the Tamil Writers Guild, and which your father continued to do for 5 years. Indeed, after giving up that role due to his ill-health, he regularly contributed his considerable knowledge and thoughts to both the TWG and other related Tamil causes. Both he and your mother also continued to attend some of the subsequent TWG events, whenever their health permitted them to do so and their presence and involvement was well appreciated.
My brothers (Vijay, Priya, Raj) and I send our deepest condolences to you and all your family and hope you will find some comfort in the knowledge that Ivan is now reunited with your mother.
Name: Shantini Tham 29 April 2020 at 17:39
Message: I was very sorry to hear from Reggie that Ivan sadly passed away yesterday morning at the nursing home. I can't even imagine what you'll are going through once again, having just lost your dear mother. I hope and pray that you will have the strength to cope during this very difficult time.
Ivan's legacy will live on through all the great work he did for the Tamil people. As you’ll know, he was a very good friend of my late father, CJT Thamotheram, and helped him by chairing the Tamil Writers Guild, and which your father continued to do for 5 years. Indeed, after giving up that role due to his ill-health, he regularly contributed his considerable knowledge and thoughts to both the TWG and other related Tamil causes. Both he and your mother also continued to attend some of the subsequent TWG events, whenever their health permitted them to do so and their presence and involvement was well appreciated.
My brothers (Vijay, Priya, Raj) and I send our deepest condolences to you and all your family and hope you will find some comfort in the knowledge that Ivan is now reunited with your mother.
With sincerest sympathy.
Shantini, Vijay, Priya & Raj
Shantini, Vijay, Priya & Raj
Date: 29 April at 17:31
Name: Deva & Saira Emmanuel
Name: Deva & Saira Emmanuel
Message: We were deeply saddened to hear of your Dad’s passing so soon after your Mum. Both of you and your families have gone through a lot in such a short space of time. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now.
I will never forget his kindness. May God give him eternal rest and the family the strength to bear the great pain.
Our condolences to you and your family.
Deva & Saira
I will never forget his kindness. May God give him eternal rest and the family the strength to bear the great pain.
Our condolences to you and your family.
Deva & Saira
Date: 29 April at 16:02
Name: Mahendran Swampillai
Message: Please accept my sincere condolence on the loss of your Daddy.
Name: Mahendran Swampillai
Message: Please accept my sincere condolence on the loss of your Daddy.
Although I was expecting the inevitable, I am deeply sad that ultimately it has finally arrived. Before I recall my memories of him I must confess that I am glad to know that he will be able to meet his loved ones and his sister Indra in particular He was very proud of her and referred to her as my doctor sister.
I have known Daddy from 1956 when the family moved to Jaffna because of the ethnic riots. After a long interval I came in contact with him again when I started working in Sri Lanka .Subsequently we all ended up in the UK and since that time I am aware of the fact for more than 25 years he has worked tirelessly as a crusader against injustice to the Tamils. He played a major role as a writer on topics that affected the Tamils. He never wavered from his commitment to the Tamil cause of till the very end.
It was a sad day when he fell victim to the debilitating illness of diabetes
I wish him a safe journey to the promised land where he will be join his dear wife Indra, his parents and sisters.
I wish him a safe journey to the promised land where he will be join his dear wife Indra, his parents and sisters.
May God grant him eternal rest
Date: 29 April at 13:57
Name: Manik and Jane Joseph
Message: I am very saddened to hear of the passing away of your dad. To come so soon after the loss of your dear mother must be an incredibly painful experience for you and you families. Please accept our deepest condolences.
My abiding memory of him will be his ability to develop and articulate his arguments so clearly. It is a skill I much admired. I remember Rukshi telling me after a conversation with him about a medical matter at how astounded she was by how well informed he was on the topic and searching questions he had about the material he had researched. He had a fabulous intellect.
I am sorry the current circumstances will not allow us to join you for his funeral but look forward to celebrating his life with you in the very near future.
Date: 29 April at 13:57
Name: Manik and Jane Joseph
Message: I am very saddened to hear of the passing away of your dad. To come so soon after the loss of your dear mother must be an incredibly painful experience for you and you families. Please accept our deepest condolences.
My abiding memory of him will be his ability to develop and articulate his arguments so clearly. It is a skill I much admired. I remember Rukshi telling me after a conversation with him about a medical matter at how astounded she was by how well informed he was on the topic and searching questions he had about the material he had researched. He had a fabulous intellect.
I am sorry the current circumstances will not allow us to join you for his funeral but look forward to celebrating his life with you in the very near future.
Kind regards
Manik and Jane
Manik and Jane
Date: 29 April at 13:31
Name: Ananthi and Hyacinth William - Email
Message: There are no words to tell you how sorry we are, and we are thinking of you at this tragic time. We will cherish our memories and be grateful for the time we had with Ivan uncle. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
Name: Ananthi and Hyacinth William - Email
Message: There are no words to tell you how sorry we are, and we are thinking of you at this tragic time. We will cherish our memories and be grateful for the time we had with Ivan uncle. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
Warm Regards
Ananthi and Hyacinth
Ananthi and Hyacinth
Date: 29 April at 12:42
Name: Prabha Swampillai
Message: We are very saddened to hear the news of Ivan uncle’s passing away. We pray that eternal rest is granted to him and may the perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in Peace.
Name: Prabha Swampillai
Message: We are very saddened to hear the news of Ivan uncle’s passing away. We pray that eternal rest is granted to him and may the perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in Peace.
Prabha and Dama Swampillai
Date: 29 April at 12:12
Name: Fr.S.J.Emmanuel
Date: 29 April at 12:12
Name: Fr.S.J.Emmanuel

Message: I was fortunate to have met both Ivan & Indra during their student-days at the University of Ceylon, Colobo during the zears 1954-8. Since Indra was a member of the University Legion of Mary at Bambalapitiya St.Mary's, Ivan will come with his scooter after our weekly meetings to pick up his beloved Indra, not yet married!
Later when I met them in London, their daughter was one of the bridesmaids at Judy's wedding. When I came to London in 1996, he was a close to me helping me with my stay, meeting Bp Vincent (now Cardinal), enrolment as Visiting Scholar at Heythrop College of the Lond. Uni, helping me also in my political activities. He presided and spoke at the launch of my book- Agonies & Aspirations of the Tamil Struggle-.
Whether it was a catholic initiative or political initiative or my personal celebrations like priestly jubilee, Ivan and Indra were there to help me. He was Human Christian and Tamil in his enthusiasm to help and encourage others.
When I had a seminar for the Tamil undergraduates in London, Ivan was there to explain how best to be British and Tamil in supporting the struggle.
As one who enjoyed the hospitality of Indra and Ivan, and also their support for whatever I did in London, I remain grateful and wish their children & families God blessings.
Date: 29 April at 10:48
Name: Raj & Sumangala Santiapillai
Name: Raj & Sumangala Santiapillai
Message: Very sad news of Ivan Annan. My memories go back several years, to the days when we grew up in Jaffna. I would walk bare foot to Emily Aunty’s house, where I would be pampered and spoilt, my feet wouldn’t touch the ground, because they all wanted to carry me, including your father. On numerous occasions he has mentioned that he used to carry me with very fond memories.
Ivan Annan wrote a touching email to our family when my aunt Celia passed away in October 2019 and again when my sister Shirani passed away 4 weeks later in November 2019. Reading these emails was very comforting. He was very fond of our family, especially growing up in Jaffna, as we were of him. Every time our families met, inevitably the conversation would drift towards the ‘good old days in Jaffna’.
I can understand the sadness of losing Mum and Dad in a matter of months.
It’s hard. We can take comfort in the fact that they are reunited and with Jesus.
It’s hard. We can take comfort in the fact that they are reunited and with Jesus.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences, and we pray that God give you, Corrine & all the family, strength during this sad time. God Bless you
Raj & Sumangala (Santiapillai)
Date: 29 April at 10:04
Name: Jude Nicholas
Message: I was so sorry to hear of the passing of dear Ivan Uncle. He was a wonderful man. I share in your grief at our sad loss. I will never forget the memorable days together when he visited me in Norway. Words cannot express my sadness in these unprecedented times. May there may be comfort in knowing that Ivan Uncle who was so special will never be forgotten
Date: 29 April at 09:02
Name: Noella Savundranayagam
Message: Dear Ajith & Family. Very sad to hear Uncle’s passing. The timing is not good however he would have been delighted to join your Mum. It is heart breaking to loose both your parents within a very short period. May the good lord give you and your family strength to cope with a loss.
Name: Jude Nicholas
Message: I was so sorry to hear of the passing of dear Ivan Uncle. He was a wonderful man. I share in your grief at our sad loss. I will never forget the memorable days together when he visited me in Norway. Words cannot express my sadness in these unprecedented times. May there may be comfort in knowing that Ivan Uncle who was so special will never be forgotten
Date: 29 April at 09:02
Name: Noella Savundranayagam
Message: Dear Ajith & Family. Very sad to hear Uncle’s passing. The timing is not good however he would have been delighted to join your Mum. It is heart breaking to loose both your parents within a very short period. May the good lord give you and your family strength to cope with a loss.
So sorry that we are unable to join the family to say goodbye due to the horrible situation. But our prayers and thoughts are with you during this difficult this sad time. May the lord bless his soul and may he rest in peace.
Lots of live and prayers
Vinitha & Merion
Date: 29 April at 04:39
Name: Bonny and Jayanti Rayappu
Message: Saw the sad news just before I went to bed last night. Please accept our deepest sympathies on the loss of your dad. It is very sad to lose both your parents within less than 100 days.
Please convey to Corinne our deepest sympathies.
Aunty Jayanti & Uncle Bonny
Date: 29 April at 02:43
Name: Nirusha & Priyantha Fernando
Message: Accept our deepest & heartfelt condolences.
Date: 29 April at 01:48
Name: Radhika and Duncan Gabriel
Message: These are some of the fond memories of Mamma.
Vinitha & Merion
Date: 29 April at 04:39
Name: Bonny and Jayanti Rayappu
Message: Saw the sad news just before I went to bed last night. Please accept our deepest sympathies on the loss of your dad. It is very sad to lose both your parents within less than 100 days.
Please convey to Corinne our deepest sympathies.
Aunty Jayanti & Uncle Bonny
Date: 29 April at 02:43
Name: Nirusha & Priyantha Fernando
Message: Accept our deepest & heartfelt condolences.
Date: 29 April at 01:48
Name: Radhika and Duncan Gabriel
Message: These are some of the fond memories of Mamma.

Date: 28 April at 21:43
Name: Chrisantha & Inpa Kumar
Message: We are saddened to hear of the passing away of Ivan Uncle. I am sure you, Corrine and your families had the blessed privilege of spending some time with him. Although his health had taken many a beating in the flesh his faculties were alert as ever, and his brain was ever his forte. We and our children will always have vivid memories of the times we had with him. For us we feel we have lost a special uncle and for me (Inpa) he has been friend too, beyond the confines of human relationship. His colourful life in his earlier years left him with experiences that were always shared with us.
Name: Chrisantha & Inpa Kumar
Message: We are saddened to hear of the passing away of Ivan Uncle. I am sure you, Corrine and your families had the blessed privilege of spending some time with him. Although his health had taken many a beating in the flesh his faculties were alert as ever, and his brain was ever his forte. We and our children will always have vivid memories of the times we had with him. For us we feel we have lost a special uncle and for me (Inpa) he has been friend too, beyond the confines of human relationship. His colourful life in his earlier years left him with experiences that were always shared with us.
I’m sure the passing away of both a mother and a father in such a short space of time would make the loss for you all the harder to bear. We will hold your grieving families in the fold of prayer.
Love and Blessings
Chrisantha and Inpa
Chrisantha and Inpa
Date: 28 April at 20:16
Name: Sam Simon
Message: Ever so sorry to hear your dad passed away. We grieve with you.
May he Rest In Peace
Fela, Nila, Nayana and Sam
Date: 28 April at 19:49
Name: Infinita William
Message: My deepest sympathies for your loss especially with it being so soon after aunty. Uncle Ivan will always be in my heart and in the hearts of the many others who loved and looked up to him. I wish you peace to bring some comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your heart.
Name: Sam Simon
Message: Ever so sorry to hear your dad passed away. We grieve with you.
May he Rest In Peace
Fela, Nila, Nayana and Sam
Date: 28 April at 19:49
Name: Infinita William
Message: My deepest sympathies for your loss especially with it being so soon after aunty. Uncle Ivan will always be in my heart and in the hearts of the many others who loved and looked up to him. I wish you peace to bring some comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your heart.
May uncle finally be at peace now he has returned to your mother.
Thinking of you all.
Love Infinita
Love Infinita
Date: 28 April 2020 at 19:41
Name: Anton Nicholas
Message: My Dear Ajith,I am very, very sorry to hear about this painful double loss. Loosing Mum is a terrible loss and then to be followed up within a short period of time with Dad passing away is indeed immense sorrow. It is during this moment of time that we desperately need to sense the gracious Presence of God the Holy Spirit. May the Comforter, the Paraclete, the Standby and the Intercessor really comfort you.
Please also convey our deepest condolences to your dear sister Corrine.
Name: Anton Nicholas
Message: My Dear Ajith,I am very, very sorry to hear about this painful double loss. Loosing Mum is a terrible loss and then to be followed up within a short period of time with Dad passing away is indeed immense sorrow. It is during this moment of time that we desperately need to sense the gracious Presence of God the Holy Spirit. May the Comforter, the Paraclete, the Standby and the Intercessor really comfort you.
Please also convey our deepest condolences to your dear sister Corrine.
Date: 28 April at 17:38
Name: St Christophers Church, Cheam
Message: Fr Bernard has just telephoned to relay the sad news about your father. Please accept my condolences. It is especially hard for you and your families to sustain another loss at this difficult time, and following on so soon after the death of your mother. I hope that your father passed away peacefully and pray that he is already reunited with your dear mother in heaven.
Date: 28 April at 17:38
Name: St Christophers Church, Cheam
Message: Fr Bernard has just telephoned to relay the sad news about your father. Please accept my condolences. It is especially hard for you and your families to sustain another loss at this difficult time, and following on so soon after the death of your mother. I hope that your father passed away peacefully and pray that he is already reunited with your dear mother in heaven.
With much sympathy and prayers.
Date: 28 April at 16:53
Name: Bala and Susan
Message: Please accept our deep felt condolences. I cannot imagine the sorrow you and your families are feeling at this difficult time. We will pray to the good lord that he provides you and the family with the strength and love during this period.
Name: Bala and Susan
Message: Please accept our deep felt condolences. I cannot imagine the sorrow you and your families are feeling at this difficult time. We will pray to the good lord that he provides you and the family with the strength and love during this period.
Take care. With Love
Bala, Susan, Gemma and Zara
Bala, Susan, Gemma and Zara
Date: 28 April at 16:39
Name: Sybilla Kumar
Name: Sybilla Kumar
Message: Dear Ajith.
Please accept our condolences. Ivan your dad is peaceful with tour mum now. May his soul RIP our prayers are with your parents your families.
Date: 28 April at 16:12
Name: Punitha Benedict
Message: Though we all expected Dad’s time on earth was limited but when it came to the final end it leaves a very heavy heart and fond memories. We must accept the passing away mum /Dad, Amma/Appa one after another within the last three months, leaves a great void in our lives, especially the caring love they both showered to the children, grandchildren and all of us.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences to all of you , I fondly remember the mental picture of us gathering around mums hospital bed on Christmas Day 2019 expressing all our love to her Now all what we could do is to pray that they are happy together up in heaven, showering their care and love in different ways to all of us.
May Dad/papa’s soul RIP.
With much love and prayers
Aunty Punitha
Date: 28 April at 16:08
Name: Reggie Gnanaratnam
Message: It is with great sadness, heavy heart and intolerable grief that I hear this very sad news of my great friend, mentor, a close associate and our Patron of TWG. I cannot say anything else at this moment except I only spoke to him a week before last week when he told me Ajith was in isolation and recovering well.
Please accept our condolences. Ivan your dad is peaceful with tour mum now. May his soul RIP our prayers are with your parents your families.
Date: 28 April at 16:12
Name: Punitha Benedict
Message: Though we all expected Dad’s time on earth was limited but when it came to the final end it leaves a very heavy heart and fond memories. We must accept the passing away mum /Dad, Amma/Appa one after another within the last three months, leaves a great void in our lives, especially the caring love they both showered to the children, grandchildren and all of us.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences to all of you , I fondly remember the mental picture of us gathering around mums hospital bed on Christmas Day 2019 expressing all our love to her Now all what we could do is to pray that they are happy together up in heaven, showering their care and love in different ways to all of us.
May Dad/papa’s soul RIP.
With much love and prayers
Aunty Punitha
Date: 28 April at 16:08
Name: Reggie Gnanaratnam
Message: It is with great sadness, heavy heart and intolerable grief that I hear this very sad news of my great friend, mentor, a close associate and our Patron of TWG. I cannot say anything else at this moment except I only spoke to him a week before last week when he told me Ajith was in isolation and recovering well.
May his soul Rest In Peace. Please merciful God, kindly open the doors of heaven for my beloved uncle Ivan, a tireless freedom fighter for the helpless.
Date: 28 April at 28 April 15:49
Name: Rajen Yadav
Message: I just heard the sad news and want to express my deepest condolences to you and all the family for your loss. It must be so difficult to deal with so soon after losing your Mum. I remember Uncle Ivan with the fondest of memories and I'll never forget how he embraced me into the family with open arms from the moment I was introduced. We had great banter between us and I will miss him.
Our thoughts are with you all.
Date: 28 April at 28 April 15:49
Name: Rajen Yadav
Message: I just heard the sad news and want to express my deepest condolences to you and all the family for your loss. It must be so difficult to deal with so soon after losing your Mum. I remember Uncle Ivan with the fondest of memories and I'll never forget how he embraced me into the family with open arms from the moment I was introduced. We had great banter between us and I will miss him.
Our thoughts are with you all.
My best regards,

Date: 28 April at 28 April 15:49
Name: Stanley & Thavam Alagaratnam
Name: Stanley & Thavam Alagaratnam
Message: Sorry to hear the sad news. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. Sharing in your sadness.
Uncle Stanley & Aunty Thavam
Date: 28 April at 15:40
Name: Radhika and Duncan Gabriel
Message: Saddened to know that Mamma is no longer with us but happy to know that he is with Indra Anta. Wish we could be there in person to be of support. Sending all our Love and support to you all.
Uncle Stanley & Aunty Thavam
Date: 28 April at 15:40
Name: Radhika and Duncan Gabriel
Message: Saddened to know that Mamma is no longer with us but happy to know that he is with Indra Anta. Wish we could be there in person to be of support. Sending all our Love and support to you all.
Date: 28 April at 15:17
Name: Niranjan and Subo Rayappu
Name: Niranjan and Subo Rayappu
Message: We are very sad to hear the passing of your Dad. Our prayers are with him and will continue to be with both of them. I am glad both of you were able to see him recently. I am very certain both of you will be there for each other’s family. You know we will be there for you in your ups and downs with prayers and mutual respect and love.
May Dad Rest In Peace. I am sure you too are very busy. Will talk sometime soon.
Love and Prayers,
Subo & Nenj
Date: 28 April at 14:14
Name: Miriam Emmanuel
Message: Sorry to hear that dad passed away early this morning. All I can think mum and dad are together now. It must be difficult for the two of you and your families with the roller coaster of emotions in such few months apart, and hope that their loving memories will help you during this difficult time.
Subo & Nenj
Date: 28 April at 14:14
Name: Miriam Emmanuel
Message: Sorry to hear that dad passed away early this morning. All I can think mum and dad are together now. It must be difficult for the two of you and your families with the roller coaster of emotions in such few months apart, and hope that their loving memories will help you during this difficult time.
Our thoughts & prayers are with you all.
Jacintha, Nantha, Jared & Ayana

Date: 28 April at 13:49
Name: Stella and Joe Joseph
Message: Dear Ajith. So sad and grieved to hear of our dear annan passing away. All his pain and sufferings are over. He is definitely in a better place. Please accept our deepest sympathies our prayers and thoughts are with you Corine, Marina and the families
Aunty Stella
Date: 28 April at 13:49
Name: Jacinta Regis
Message: Sad to hear about your Dad . It is a terrible loss for you and Corrine and his grand children. I spoke to him last on Easter Sunday . He was able to chat but his tone of voice not the Ivan I know. He was finding it a bit of an effort to speak. Immediately I phoned Punitha and told her. Words I know are poor comforters but the heart knows its own sorrow and in such sorrows we are always alone. It is not mere words when I say I feel with you in your sorrow. Take care of yourself.
Date: 28 April at 13:49
Name: Jacinta Regis
Message: Sad to hear about your Dad . It is a terrible loss for you and Corrine and his grand children. I spoke to him last on Easter Sunday . He was able to chat but his tone of voice not the Ivan I know. He was finding it a bit of an effort to speak. Immediately I phoned Punitha and told her. Words I know are poor comforters but the heart knows its own sorrow and in such sorrows we are always alone. It is not mere words when I say I feel with you in your sorrow. Take care of yourself.
Kind Regards
Aunty Jacinta
Aunty Jacinta
Date: 28 April at 13:47
Name: Arulraj and Teresa Joseph
Message: I am very sorry to hear of your passing away. Please accept my deepest sympathies. It is sad that the circumstances are such that I could not in all likelihood not even attend his funeral. I cannot imagine that Ivan who had won the admiration and friendship of so many would be leaving with such a quiet farewell.
Name: Arulraj and Teresa Joseph
Message: I am very sorry to hear of your passing away. Please accept my deepest sympathies. It is sad that the circumstances are such that I could not in all likelihood not even attend his funeral. I cannot imagine that Ivan who had won the admiration and friendship of so many would be leaving with such a quiet farewell.
Please accept my deepest condolences and rest assured of my prayers.
Date: 28 April at 13:45
Name: Fr Chandran
Message: So sad to hear that Dad passed away. My deepest condolences and prayers. We were very good friends for over 25 years. Ivan was a pillar of strength to the Ceylon Tamil community across the globe. I will celebrate a Mass for him today. May the lord grant him eternal rest.
Date: 28 April at 13:45
Name: Fr Chandran
Message: So sad to hear that Dad passed away. My deepest condolences and prayers. We were very good friends for over 25 years. Ivan was a pillar of strength to the Ceylon Tamil community across the globe. I will celebrate a Mass for him today. May the lord grant him eternal rest.
Fr. Chandran
Date: 28 April at 13:40
Name: Rohin Bendict
Message: May Uncle rest in peace, Ajith. I am grateful to him for his forgiveness and understanding as I know other will be for help he gave them. I am praying for you all and pray to your mum everyday. These are tough blows for you and Corinne to take so close together but I am sure you will both come through this stronger.
Date: 28 April at 13:40
Name: Rohin Bendict
Message: May Uncle rest in peace, Ajith. I am grateful to him for his forgiveness and understanding as I know other will be for help he gave them. I am praying for you all and pray to your mum everyday. These are tough blows for you and Corinne to take so close together but I am sure you will both come through this stronger.
Take care Ajith and much love to Marina and the boys. My thoughts are very much with them also.
Date: 28 April at 13:37
Name: Suren and Nalini Emmanuel
Message: Dear Ajith and Corinne, our heartfelt sympathies. We are happy that he will be with mum and have the eternal rest in peace. Please let us know if we can be of help to you.
Date: 28 April at 13:30
Name: Dharshan and Caroline Benedict
Message: We’re so sorry to hear of uncle’s passing. As you say though, aunty and uncle would have wanted to be reunited as soon as possible and is comforting to hear he went peacefully.
Name: Suren and Nalini Emmanuel
Message: Dear Ajith and Corinne, our heartfelt sympathies. We are happy that he will be with mum and have the eternal rest in peace. Please let us know if we can be of help to you.
Date: 28 April at 13:30
Name: Dharshan and Caroline Benedict
Message: We’re so sorry to hear of uncle’s passing. As you say though, aunty and uncle would have wanted to be reunited as soon as possible and is comforting to hear he went peacefully.
Our condolences go out to you all and if there is anything we can help with, please just ask. All our love
Dharshan, Caroline, Millie, Lexie and Charlie
Date: 28 April at 13:22
Name: Suba and Anoja Rayappu
Message: Just before this email of yours Aunty Punitha called us to pass this sad news to us. Our deepest sympathies to you all.
Date: 28 April at 13:22
Name: Suba and Anoja Rayappu
Message: Just before this email of yours Aunty Punitha called us to pass this sad news to us. Our deepest sympathies to you all.
At last he is in peace & at a less painful place with his soul mate , lifelong partner & wife. As you said life without mum must have been empty for the last three months, which may have expedited his death. Let his soul rest in peace.
Please let us know if we can be of any help with the funeral arrangements or any other assistance you or family is need of.
We are sorry for the death of both your parents within a short period of each other exactly like Anoja's parents two years.
Warm Regards
Uncle, Aunty & Sean
Uncle, Aunty & Sean
Tributes and reflections from family, friends and colleagues are presented in the separate "Tributes" area.